God's Promise In Tithing - 01/14/2024

1 year ago

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Tithes and Offering

Pastor Jacob Gardner

Sermon Notes & Bible Verses:
God's Promise In Tithing - (Malachi 3.8-12)
Some of God's Promises:
1. He Gives Us Strength - (Isaiah 40.31)
2. He Gives Us Rest - (Matthew 11.28-30)
3. His Love Never Fails - (Isaiah 54.10)
4. He Has Redeemed Us - (Colossians 1.13-14)
5. He Will Fight For You - (Exodus 14.13-14)
6. He Will Forgive Our Sin - (1 John 1.9)
(Deuteronomy 14.28-29)
I - What Is Tithing? - (2 Corinthians 9.7)
II - What Does The Bible Say? - (Genesis 14.17-20) (Mark 12.41-44) (Luke 6.38)
III - What Does Tithing Do? - (1 Corinthians 9.11-14)
1. Supports Your Pastors - (1 Timothy 5.17-18)
2. Supports Your Church - (Malachi 3.10)
3. Opens You Up For A Blessing - (Malachi 3.10)

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