Woman arrested after police found $2,500 worth of Stanley cups in her car

1 year ago

The fervor for Stanley stainless steel drinking cups reached unprecedented heights last week when a woman was apprehended for purportedly pilfering 65 of them, valued at nearly $2,500, from a store in California.

Authorities in Roseville, located in Placer County northeast of Sacramento, announced on Sunday that they had responded to a reported theft at a store on Stanford Ranch Road in the city on January 17.

“Staff saw a woman take a shopping cart full of Stanley water bottles without paying for them. The suspect refused to stop for staff and stuffed her car with the stolen merchandise,” police said in a statement on Facebook.

“An officer spotted the suspect vehicle as it entered Highway 65 from Galleria Blvd and initiated a traffic stop,” the statement said.

The yet-to-be-identified 23-year-old woman from Sacramento has been arrested on charges of grand theft. Police images reveal her car trunk and passenger seat filled with a diverse assortment of cups, NBC News reported.

READ MORE: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/woman-arrested-police-found-2500-stanley-cups-car-rcna134995

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