How Bill Gates Start His Career. Bill Gates Life Story Inspire Yourself..

7 months ago

Bill Gates was a shy and quiet boy who loved spending time in his room reading books for hours. he grew up as an introverted and antisocial kid.high school, his original plan was to teach math. But that was until his friend Paul Allen convinced him to pursue career in computer programming. So Bill Gates quickly took his advice and wrote his first computer program at the age of 13. But his parents were not very happy, they had other plans for their child. They wanted him to pursue a law career.
So to make his parents happy, he went to Harvard to study law. But he found himself spending more time on a computer than in class. And that was because Hewas really happy when he was coding and law was not something that excited him. So it was time for a bold move
He dropped out of Harvard University to pursue his dream and formed Microsoft with his childhood Friend Allen.But everything wasn't going perfect. At first thecompany struqgled financially. Some of their big clients went bankrupt.So Bill Gates faced many challenges and obstacles on his path to success.
One of those challenges was Windows 1.0. Young Gates predicted that after its release Windows will be running on 90 % of all computers. But he was wrong.Windows was received poorly by critics, and only 10%of computers ended using it. And that was not even close to what Bill Gates was expecting. He was disappointed. It was a big setback, but also a stepping stone for Microsoft. After Two years of hard work and long hours Windows 2 was released. Big Innovations were included, Microsoft Word and Excel Were presented for the first time.So Windows Became huge commercial success and revolutionized the world. Finally 90% of computers were using Windows.Bill Gates Became a Billionaire at the age of 31 and at the age of 39 he became the richest man in the world.

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