PRiMO Times Episode 42, Ottawa Pet Show 2023 Walkabout

1 year ago
I dislike working on brakes. Very much dislike brakes.
But the ambo demands brake work and I am doing the job so
I can save a ton of money. I will explain what happened when I
did the ambulance brakes.
Then finding a day when I feel a bit better and deciding to head out
to the 2023 Annual Pet Show in Ottawa Ontario. Taking you along
for a walkabout to see the entire facility. I have chosen some
great music to go along with us on the tour.

I live and work in Ontario Canada. I will be taking you around
town and country showing you my simple life.
Continuing with upgrades to my life and my adventures.
I hope to entertain and provide some friendship to all of my viewers.
This adventure for me has been a thought for many years.
Now there is no going back, stay with me and together
let’s have a PRiMO time!

I would enjoy hearing from you with ideas for future videos.
I am open to advice on how I could proceed with my ambo build and
what adventures I could get into to share with you.
Although my budget will direct me through much of this project,
there could still be ways I am not aware of to make it even better.


Consider offering support to further the P.T. project by
emailing me directly or check out my Patreon page,

Here is my Amazon wish list…

Contact me with a positive mindset please. Ask questions, suggest topics,
or feel free to advise me with any technical procedures.
Leave a comment below the video or email

Music and sound bites from Epidemic Sound.

Todays music, Break Times by Phello, Easy Goodbyes by Flyin, Happy Days
by Dez Moran, Caravanning by Dag Anderson, Lucky by Station Story,
I Got You by Birgersson Lundberg, A New Morning by J.F. Gloss, There's
Only One by Hallman, Bouncing Shoes by Earle Belo, Happy Go Lucky by
Victor Lundberg.

Recording devices used,
GoPRO Hero 9 with media option and lighting.
Transcend Body Pro 30

Editing software provided by

Parts and tools from my local Canadian Tire store,
Home Depot Canada and Amazon.
Ambulance Coach built by Crestline Canada.

Information and support for concussion injury survivors…

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