shoulder workout / gym

10 months ago

A shoulder workout
credit nylenaga instagram

1. Landmine Single-Arm Overhead Press - 5 x 10-12

2. Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press - 5 x 8-10

3. Strict Lateral Raise - 5 x 15-18

4. High Rear Delt Face Pull - 5 x 12-15
5. Lateral Raise Machine Dropset- 5 x 12-15


I start with push press. Rest in order. 1-2 min rests between high-rep exercises. 2-3min rest between low-rep exercises. Start with a very light warm-up set before the sets above. About (beginner: 2-4 reps/advanced: 1-2 reps) from failure each set. Final set of 1, 4, 5 to failure

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