Anton Dilger & The German Bioterrorism of 1915

1 year ago

Anton Dilger & The German Bioterrorism of 1915

In this video I will familiarize the viewer with the German sabotage of 1915, early instances of bioterrorism against America, where saboteurs infected military and medical horses, not only used as cavalries, but more significantly, horses used to produce serum and vaccines for human use

Especially noteworthy is the story of Anton Dilger, their main saboteur, who setup a clandestine germ laboratory in the basement of his home just six miles from the White House

These infected horses may have been used to produce the experimental meningococcus shot initiated at Camp Funston in Kansas in 1917, and of course the 1918 Influenza shows up here as ground zero just one month later. The horse serum used was in the growing medium for the meningococci used in that shot, as what is known as serum dextrose agar or glucose (GC) agar.

What is not generally known (or talked about) is the fact that British Intelligence had infiltrated the operation and were aiming to give it "more bang for the buck," in order to make it more costly and damaging to the Americans, in the hopes to more thoroughly turn America against Germany in alliance with Britain.

I talked about a man named Erich Von Steinmetz, but I should have mentioned that he can be placed at the Rockefeller Institute and it is here where the meningococus v@ccine used at Camp Funston was made, since it was already suspicious since that experiment saw the first appearance of the 1918 Influenza in 1917. Do the math my friends.

All of this is talked about in the early chapters of my book, "The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare," now available on Amazon and my personal site for the book is at :

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