22Jan24 Is Trump the Next FDR? Bannon Thinks He Will Be

10 months ago

DeSantis out…
• We were told long ago by both left & right press that it was over.  Like Klaus Schwab said, elections aren't necessary, because they know who will win
• Rapid realignment behind Trump is nearly total within GOP political ranks
• Political persecution by Biden is Trump's campaign juice.  Expect things to get even crazier
• Why isn't Trump persecution getting MAGA supporters to call for REFORM?  Instead, only REVENGE is on the table
Rebuilding Trust", conveniently the theme for Davos as well as the Trump media.  No admission of wrongdoing or wrongheaded solutions necessary.  Just "trust me"

Bannon sees the next Trump administration as a right wing version of FDR's "New Deal".  Do we want that?  Central control of every aspect of our life is the path to Civil War and/or totalitarian slavery.
Chip Roy (R-TX) "Why are we giving money to Mayorkas, then going on camera and talking about impeaching him"?  And why are we talking about the border 8 years after Trump did nothing about DACA, the Welfare Magnet, or even the wall?
The fight for the presidency is a fight to control federal powers that shouldn't exist.
SCOTUS case could overturn a judicial case that abdicated power from judiciary to the bureaucracy.
How Much Does a Federal "Hall Monitor" Make?
You won't believe how much they get paid nor will you believe what they are getting paid to monitor.  This court case has the possibility of forcing Congress to do what they're elected for, and stop REGULATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION and TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION — i.e. rule by unelected bureaucrats
World's Biggest Welfare Queen (Maxima) Pushes ID to Get Govt Benefits Is that how SHE gets her cash? Global carbon credits are the mechanism for the greatest robbery in history. 
Rebuild Trust" is the motto this year.  Is that why Milei and Heritage Foundation President are there?  Can THEY be trusted?    

March for Life — in the SNOW! Where are the GOP Presidential candidates? Pastor Greg Laurie is spot-on with how to handle abortion and what the church needs to change
Furies — even worse (and bigger) than you think.  What is this movement, often supported by schools, training the kids for?
Michael Mann, Al Gore's hockey stick huckster, sues Mark Steyn for exposing him as a fraud.  More "science" while hiding data.  More "credentialism", pretending to be a Nobel Prize winner when the Nobel community shut him down

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