Let's Talk About the Weather

1 year ago

Today all we have to do is open our devices, computers and television to see the latest weather forecasts... In Matthew 16:2-4, Jesus is talking to religious leaders of how they can tell the signs of of weather simply by looking at the sky after they asked Him about the coming of the Messiah... Jesus went on to tell them that people are always looking for signs of what is to come and He was not giving them a sign... For one the Messiah (or Christ) was already standing there right there in front of them and with all of the signs leading to His arrival here. They still could not recognize the Messiah...
In a sense with all of the technology today to look at weather patterns such as wind directions and low or high pressure systems, our weather forecasters are still only able to forecast an educated guess... How many times have they forecast rain only to receive a few sprinkles of that or no snow only to awaken to a foot of snow... In a biblical sense of the word "forecast" is comparable to "divination", which God has specifically told us to stay away from... Sure a weather forecast could give us an idea of the weather coming in a few days to come, but still it is based upon trends and patterns and is still nothing more than an educated guess. Here in the south we have an expression that says that "you would lose the farm depending upon the weatherman". If one was to adhere and fully believe the weather forecast as money in the bank there would be days with zero plans as the forecast is calling for rain and nothing would get taken care of... Yet that is how people do when seeking out those who are diviners and soothsayer who forecast a tarot card reading, read palm or astrological forcast... Demons have been around for generations and they have studied people's behaviors and lifestyle and develop trends of people's behaviors. These demons then work through the medium to pass on a forecast to the person seeking a sign. Instead of bringing life to the one seeking a sign, the person takes the sign as gold and places all belief into and basically winds up loosing the farm, so to speak... False prophets are nothing more than mediums of divination... They speak in the name of god but the god they are speaking from is one of the evil spirits of divination telling the people what they want to hear... Health, wealth and prosperity are big announcements put forth from these false prophets of divination and people recieve these words and are uplifted only to be let down when the words don't manifest in the way they were hoping and most of the in opposition to what they were told. This then turns into a renunciation of Faith in God because the words from a supposed prophet did not come to pass...
Jesus did come to bring forth life and life more abundantly... And it is through Jesus that we do find the Kingdom of Heaven and access to our Heavenly Father... We should only speak of what the Father says as Jesus said He only spoke... We should not repeat and influence people into following false ideas and doctrines of demons which only drive people away from God the Father... We should go forward and share the Gospel of "repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand", baptize, make disciples like Jesus did, signs and wonders will accompany you, cast out demons and heal the afflicted...

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