
1 year ago

What the hell happened

The world is flipped.

What was insane is normal

What was celebrated is now shameful

What was good is punished

What was bad is rewarded

What was imature is normal

Since 1970 the governments and institutions have been eroding all that is good , strong, pure, honorable, great .

Now your skill your education your intelect dosent matter.

Your passion drive and perseverance and determination is irrelevant.

The rich got rich and promoted degenerates to high positions of power to collapse our great system and country.

With honors , 3 college diploma University and 4 trades i get bottom level jobs. The managers and dept heads are less qualified then i am . It was all a waste. 2003 was the last great employment opportunities. R&D and advanced innovation. To this day i have not seen the technology i use to work with. We are not evolving. We are going backwards..

Everything is data mining to control people. FAKE AI driven by tables full of data gathered from you. Ai dosent exist. Its all data tables of everything and everyone which is how the programmed algorithms know. They know because they already have the information.

AI isnt real. I was in automation and robotics since 1990s. Not much has improved. We simplified made everything cheaper and easier to make so it breaks.

That isnt improvement. That is a failure.

I worked with lithium cells in 2000s it was not viable. Still its not viable today. That company sold to Tesla after the owners death.

Electric cars are harmful and not viable. We all knew this deacdes ago.

Btw oil isnt a fossil fuel. More false science bullshit. Oil is just oil. It flows like water or pockets of gas . It just is. Like the body has gas and oils and many biproducts so does the earth.

We need real science
We need people not to lie

We need to help ppl who are broken , mentally ill, sick and we need to drive the economy with innovative ways and technology. Not false lies and propaganda

How many diamond nines Gold mines uranium mines had nothing it was all a scam.


Backman crypto scam

Covid lies ans crimes

Climate change

Corporations and governments always lie for profit and only profit

Many ppl are broken and breaking and they are using drugs booze sex fantasy videogames to escape reality to hide to cope.

Hope one day the world will change i cannot change people they must change for themselves

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