Freemasonry – Witchcraft Rituals Exposed & Explained Complete - John Ankerberg Show (1986)

1 year ago

Very Brief Introduction to what you can expect to learn from this:

1. Do Christian Values match with Masonic Lodge Values?

2. Is Christianity Compatible with the Teachings of the Masonic Lodge?

3. How is a Candidate Received into Masonry?

4. What really goes on Behind Closed Doors at those Blue Lodges?

5. What does the Masonic Ritual Teach?

6. What is the meaning of the 3 Great Lights and the 3 Lesser Lights of Masonry?

7. What is the Significance of the Working Tools in Masonry?

8. What is the Meaning of the White Apron?

9. What is the Meaning of the Rough Ashlar (stone)?

10. What is the Meaning of the Perfect Ashlar?

11. How Binding are the Masonic Vows for first 3 Degrees Masonry?

12. What does a Masonic Funeral Ceremony Teach?

13. Is Masonry a Religion?

14. Which Masonic Authors and Books did the 50 Grand Lodges in the United States recommend?

15. Does Masonry Promise Eternal Life in the Celestial Lodge above?

16. What must a Mason do in this Life?

17. Does Masonry hold the Bible’s Teachings to be Authoritative?

Subjects: Masonic Rituals, Bill Mankin, Jack Harris, Masonic Manual and Code, Re-enactment of Masonic Rituals, Symbols at the Lodges, White Apron, Ashlar, Masonic Books, Freemason Authors, Freemason Books,

Freemason Authors recommended by 1/3 of the 50 Grand Lodges – 33% Albert Mackey and John Fort Newton, then 24% Claudy, 24% Haywood, 20% Cerza, 20% Gould, 20% Roberts and 16% Albert Pike.

Freemason Ritual explained by Jack Harris, formal Mason who initiated hundreds.

1. The Chair of the Worshipful Master is situated in the East. It is a place of Authority in Masonic Blue Lodge. Over the top of the Chair is a Letter G found in every lodge in the USA.

2. To the left of the Worshipful Master’s chair is the Chaplain’s chair. Every lodge must be open and closed with Prayer. A chaplain is a member of the clergy (some religion, most often Christianity) – so this to the average person would indicate they are praying to the Jesus.

3. To the Right of Worshipful Master is the chair of the Senior Deacon. The senior deacon is in charge of conducting all candidates through the first three degrees of masonry.

4. 3 White Candles – represent the SUN, Moon and Master of the Lodge.

5. Altar – an altar (usually Christian table) is in the exact Center of every Masonic Lodge. On top of the altar is the Holy Bible, the Square and the Compass.

6. Blue Cloth over the Altar – the color blue represents fidelity and immortality.

7. South Wall of the Lodge – it is where the junior warden of the lodge sits. To his right and left are the chairs of the junior stewards (one who looks after). They can replace Deacon in his absence.

8. West Wall – you have a small chair on the left for the junior deacon who is in charge of guests of the lodge. The chair in the center is the chair of the senior deacon who is in second command of the worshipful master.

9. West Wall Door – door for the candidate to come through and they are prepared for initiation behind this door.

First Degree Initiation – the candidate wants to come from Darkness to Light. Darkness being without gnostic and light being illuminated with knowledge.

Jesus said: “I am the Light of the World, he who follows me will not walk in Darkness, but shall give the light of life.” John 8:12
Ephesians 5:14 – “Christ shall give you Light.”

Christ is usually associated with Jesus.

What they will eventually find out in the 33rd degree – the light of the Masons comes from Lucifer, the Light Bearer.

The Blue Lodge idiots are exactly that, they are in Kindergarten and are dumb and naive, thinking that there is no harm in masonry, it will make me a good, honest man and provide me with bounties of business relations and bless me with enlightenment.

Sorry dumbf*cks, you have been duped. Yes, you may make your $$ but the blessing is not from the Christian God. Once you get to the end of 12th grade, you find out that all your blessings were coming from Lucifer, the Antichrist.

Watch all of this as it is pretty good and provides a good size piece to the masonic puzzle we struggle to put together.

Here are some other of my Very Top Favorite Freemason Videos – after watching all of these you will know more than 90% of Masons:

***The Secret Religion that Runs the World – Ex-Freemason – X-Factor Winner Altiyan Childs – MUST SEE

***Freemasonry is an Anti-Christ Religion – Explained by Brother Michael Dimond

***Bill Schnoebelen – Former Satanic Voodoo High Priest Exposes the Illuminati – Masonry is a Religion

***Bill Cooper – William Morgan – 32nd Degree Mason – The True God of Freemasonry

Who are the Freemasons – Where are they from – What’s the difference between a Mason vs Freemason??

Hawaii – How the Freemasons took over Hawaii in 1851 – The Secret Treaty with the Post Office


***KAY GRIGGS - Illuminati Kay Griggs tells ALL - Military is Run by Homosexual Deviants - *Hidden GEM –

END. 1/22/2024

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