'Trump Worship' vs Blind Intellectuals! | Mon 1-22-24

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More Trump simping! Nimarata "dog whistle." DeSantis kiss-up! LONG CALL with spiritually blind intellectual Trump haters!

The Hake Report, Monday, January 22, 2024 AD

0:00:00 Start (brief echoes)
0:01:05 Topics: Presidential candidates
0:01:48 Hey, guys!
0:03:42 Trump "racist dogwhistle," Nimarata
0:10:13 Trump: Don't attack non-attackers (Kanye, gays, Jesus)
0:19:08 Trump defends Mike Tyson (Letterman; Truth-telling over all)
0:27:26 DeSantis and Casey, not ready, cliché, nasty supporters?
0:35:27 ADL likes DeSantis??
0:36:34 Spiritually blind Trump-hater intellectuals (Independent thinking)
0:40:04 Hake made a lunch video for supporters
0:42:29 Super: Crooked Joe Biden border security, Mayorkas
0:44:59 Super: Forgiving parents blah blah blah?
0:45:42 Super: DeSantis would say "we're pregnant"
0:47:01 Super: Gauntlet video game, fave characters?
0:54:07 Soul-Junk - "Pumpfake" (2000 album 1956)
1:00:39 Supers: Live in car? Tyson chicken! Trump NH rally
1:04:26 RONNIE, OH: Our Greatest President? Disrespect McCain??
1:21:08 RONNIE: Spiritual blindness, Trump, "Anger" word
1:33:43 RONNIE: Trump vs Reagan? Judging a President. "Semantics."
1:43:30 Supers: AI intellectuals, gymnastics, McCain plane crashes
1:48:05 Menomena - "Strongest Man in the World" (2003, I Am the Fun Blame Monster!)

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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