911 Eyewitness Hoboken TV

1 year ago

Internet web-casting pioneer Richard A Siegel, of OnlineTV fame, captured both of the World Trade Towers collapsing and a lot more. See the raw footage and listen to Rick's eyewitness testimony of the daring helicopter rescue on the roof of the south tower, WTC2, only moments before it collapsed into "a pile of dust." For the first time, see and hear the massive explosions at the base of the towers causing clouds of dust to rise up from street level before each tower fell. This documentary focuses on the events recorded by Richard A. Siegel at the Hoboken pier during the September 11, 2001 destruction of the World Trade Center complex.

Original video footage taken of the World Trade Center reveals the truth about what actually happened during U.S. War Games on September 11th, 2001. Does gravity prove guilt? NYPD Fire Chief Orio Palmer reached the south tower impact zone and radioed that the fire was under control. "We've got two isolated pockets of fire," he said. "We should be able to knock it down with two lines." Over 300 firefighters in WTC2 knew welded steel frame structures never collapse. The towers were designed to flex like trees in hurricane winds and absorb the impact of the largest Boeing jetliner. Prior to September 11th, WTC Project Manager Frank A. De Martini told the History Channel, "I believe the towers could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners." Authentic digital video and audio evidence of explosions corroborate the testimony of New York City firefighters, police officers and hundreds of other witnesses. This evidence confirms that the historic collapses of three steel framed structures on September 11th were the result of bombs planted in the buildings. Additional evidence and scientific analysis are presented in such a way that the film irrefutably proves 9/11 was an inside job. The pictures tell the story and this is one story that all New Yorkers, and anyone who was traumatized by the shocking attack on the WTC, must see.

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