Global Tensions on the Rise - Joaquin Flores #279

1 year ago

Freedom Broadcastersl Livestream 
Tuesday, January 16, 2024 
Guest: Joaquin Flores

Topic: "Global Tensions on the Rise: Unraveling the Escalating Situations in Ukraine and Pan-Arab World”

Joaquin Flores (author, analyst and curator of the ⁠New Resistance Telegram channel⁠): Channel description as follows: Save the Republic: Pure comedy 9 and never real news or analysis) with Xoaquin Flores. 

The channel delivers a global geostrategic overview with a focus on breaking developments in Ukraine, the breakdown of the liberal rules-based order, Jesuitical operations in Mongolia, Latin American historic dynamics and the faction fight waged by opposing groups of the American elite.

Educated in the field of IR and IPE at California State University Los Angeles; previously served as a business agent and organizer for the SEIU labor union; has published internationally on subjects of geopolitics, war, and diplomacy; serves as the director of the Belgrade-based Center for Syncretic Studies, and is Chief Editor at Fort Russ News.

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