Sadhguru: about Russia, German Gref, karma and Mysticism (ENG SUBS)

1 year ago

Sadhguru: about Russia, German Gref, karma and Mysticism (ENG SUBS)
01:00 Meeting
01:28 About the hero
02:32 Advertising
03:53 How does Sadhguru understand modern times?
07:56 About karma
10:36 Advertising
14:05 Can karma punish a person?
16:11 On the erroneous understanding of karma
17:17 The story of a pious man
19:18 "If a person is a genius in his field, it doesn't matter what kind of character he has"
19:55 Advertising
21:41 What does a mystic do at economic forums?
24:55 "Different generations have different values"
28:45 About concentration of attention
30:25 About meeting Herman Gref and visits to Russia
32:34 "How do you open people's hearts?
33:56 About Matthew McConaughey
36:15 "Looking at how a person is sitting now, I can tell what problems await him in 10-15 years"
38:20 Meditation session
41:54 On the history and causes of poverty in India
46:44 Are empires always evil?
47:24 On the role of women in the modern world
52:29 On the difference between religion and yoga
56:06 About Ayurveda and vegetarianism
01:01:32 "Your happiness or unhappiness is caused by your mind"
01:05:57 About "internal engineering"
01:07:54 On how to be happy
01:09:55 "People use the mind as a generator of suffering"
01:12:24 About the apocalypse and nuclear war
01:15:37 About the "Miracle of the Mind" program
01:16:02 Advice to Russians
01:19:00 "They teach you how to conquer the world, but they don't teach you how to deal with yourself"

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