A kitten abandoned on his own and ...... adoptions!

1 year ago

I am being black balled on Rumble - and I don't even know why - another channel with the exact same type and even number of videos has THOUSANDS of views - and this platform brags about being the alternative to youtube.....
A 3 month old kitten found near a notorious dump - just left on his own at this particular spot because of scabies which was still relatively mild. Although a bit nervous, he let me approach him fairly quickly before we both got drenched by rain!
Also...... the day finally came for Amerigo and Orange Peel to go to their new home, their forever home.
WHERE THEY CAME FROM: https://youtube.com/shorts/K5LnNDQPM_A

We have rescued another 10 or so cats andj kittens in the last week, as litters and as individuals, and I hope to get videos made featuring them soon.
Thanks to all our supporters and subscribers who patiently continue to support us, especially in light of the unfair and draconian treatment our channels get from youtube google.
Thanks to those wonderful people who help us with donations.

A particular thanks to @jamesstreet228 who has literally kept the ship afloat, AND THEN SOME, with epic generosity, while youtube google tried to wipe us out.

A special thanks to my Patreon supporters:
Dejan Gole
Torsten Schwan
Marc 1981er
Mad Chemist
Mary Yetts
Lynne S
Diana Pulido
Keith Cawthorne
Lisa Dickie
Vanessa Sorrell
Lars Pettersen
Your contribution is making a daily difference.

#kittenrescue #animalresue #indonesia #ireland

Enquiries: mycammedia@hotmail.com
#Irishinindonesia #irlandiadiindonesia #AMTIPetshop #mycammedia #mytravelmedia
Please consider making a donation to us to help support our efforts. Our greatest need is for funding for vaccination and neutering of cats for adoption.

Mycammedia's PayPal: https://paypal.me/Mycammedia
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mycammedia
Buy a coffee for Mycammedia: https://ko-fi.com/mycammedia

Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/mycammedia
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/Mycammedia/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mycammedia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mycammedia

Google: AMTI Petshop +62 0822-4362-8094
Google Maps: https://g.page/AMTI_petshop?share
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