HUGE INFO ABOUT TATTOOS!! The Essential (& Ignored) Link Between Spirituality, Energy & Tattooing

1 year ago

HUGE INFO ABOUT TATTOOS!! The Essential (& Ignored) Link Between Spirituality, Energy & Tattooing

In this fascinating interview* with Pablo Mascia from "Tattoo with Intention" Pablo shares his ground breaking information & revolutionary approach to Tattooing. If you want to know anything about Tattoos: the history & indigenous connections, awareness of Tattooing & inversion, inversion, Symbology, Colours & Materials, Vibrational & Spiritual impacts, the importance of inner standing the 3 components of pain then Pablo is your Source. The ART itself in a Tattoo, is just one area in a sea of considerations, if you want to explore getting a Tattoo.
All things people do not even know about. This is HUGE info!!!

Pablo also shares brilliant info on the first Tattoed Human ever discovered & why it confirms the theories the Humanity was way ahead of even where we are now...all those years ago!
Please share with anyone even considering receiving a Tattoo! To me this is powerfully important information.

*If anyone would like to do a 90 Minute Workshop (AUD$111) with Pablo to ask about their own Tattoos & all things regarding Tattoos including how to make your own after Tattoo care cream (we may do that within the Workshop) , just register your interest at

“The Brutal Tattoo Ritual” Watch timestamp only 5 Sec to 1:15 Min is necessary (the rest is pretty full on) is at

Pablo is wanting to build his "Tribe" & connections as he has felt like a bit of a Maverick (outsider) in the Tattoo Community so pls support his work (& share the Video) & he will welcome you contacting him at:
Mobile Nos: 0421 512 164
Email : (he doesn't use it regularly)

You can read about the differences between Religion & Spirituality in my Community post here (as mentioned in the Interview)

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