"The Triumph of The Cross", (Colossians 2:8-15), 2023-01-21, Longbranch Community Church

11 months ago

Join is as Pastor John Day of Longbranch Community Church delivers yet another stunningly poignant sermon titled: “The Triumph of The Cross.” Not only is Christ “enough”, he is our “everything”. And as such, he has every right to demand our soul, our life, …and our all. It truly was a beautiful morning in our uniquely traditional, old fashioned Pioneer Church!

This being Sanctity of Life Sunday, we additionally enjoyed an informative Care Net presentation by none other than Spring Tart. Spring effortlessly conveyed the serious repercussions of abortion and the many resources delivered at no cost to both female and male Care Net clients. Longbranch Community Church whole heartedly supports the fine work done by Care Net of Puget Sound, and is proud to prayerfully and financially partner with them.

*For those in a hurry, today’s sermon begins at the 54minute / 12second mark.

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