Blackrock and Vanguard Own Everything: The Global Pyramid Scheme [Dark Humour]

1 year ago

🏠 The Earth isn't Flat!!! It's a Pyramid shaped sh*t show! 🏠

👉 Watch till the end for an interesting example of global communism hidden in plain sight.

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In this episode, titled "Blackrock and Vanguard: The Global Pyramid Scheme", we dive deep into the global pyramid scheme system. Join us as we explore the reasons why the rich only seem to get richer and how these 'elites' have masterfully trapped the general public in an endless cycle of mindless consumerism. You will own nothing and be happy!

Note - We understand it may be more appropriate to describe the current economy as 'late stage capitalism', but let's be real, it's being quickly manoeuvred towards "let's see if they notice it's actually communism this time, muhahaha [evil laugh]" via hyper inflation, race to the bottom wages, fiat collapse, extended borrowing terms, repossession and deleveraging cycles and so much more.

🔍 What we cover in this episode:
-The grand illusion of choice
-What can we do?
-Competition? What competition?...and much more!

🎭 Don't miss our janky animated skits that bring a touch of satire and dark humour to the world of finance, property and politics 🎭

📈 Stay informed about the latest trends, get tips and tricks for navigating the f***ed up financial world, and of course, have a good laugh with us as the world burns down!

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00:00 - Theme Song
00:30 - Intro: The Global Pyramid Scheme
00:50 - Blackrock and Vanguard Own Everything
01:25 - Animated Skit: The Rich Boyz Investment Club
02:38 - Wealth Gap Statistics
03:30 - Global Illusion of Choice
04:00 - Animated Skit: Blackrock and Vanguard Control the World
04:25 - Fiscal Futility
04:40 - What Can you do About it?
06:12 - Nvidia and AMD CEO's Related?! WTF
06:36 - You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy
08:16 - What's Coming Next!?

Resources (we're not totally crazy):
Blackrock and Vanguard Assets:
Rich getting richer:
Nvidia and AMD relations:

Host and Writer: Matthew Tansley
Intro Song: Kahel 👉
Animations and Effects:

Disclaimer: We are [barely] professional clowns. The content in Money and Mirth is for entertainment and informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always consult with a real professional before making any financial decisions. Companies, brands, people etc mentioned in our content are done so for parody purposes. If you wish to sue us, please send a letter to our legal counsel, Mr Bill 'the windows licker' Gates.

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