1 year ago

CONNECTING HIGHER FiZiQ is another in the Energy CENTRE series. It corresponds to the CROWN or 7th CHAKRA.

Connecting Higher is empowering our connection to our higher self so that we can become more of who we came here to be and do. It is time to WAKE UP and get on with it!

This is not a dreamy meditation, rather a slap around the head! – with LOVE of course. More like tough love!

For so long we have been lulled into a coma about reality. With so much being revealed now, there is no excuse to not be aware. Not that we have to be outwardly involved in changing the world, but we do have a responsibility in being aware and recognising things aren’t right and so with better choices we can change ourselves energetically and that will be enough to trigger bigger changes around us.

Bring it on!

This is available in the SILVER and GOLD Membership.

FiZiQ is a new advanced technology combining BioRezonant Frequencies with Astrology, Music and Colour Frequencies to create Vizual Rezonant Remedies-Frequency Restoring Homeostasis.
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