Article 4610 Video - International Public Notice: My Sources By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4610 Video - International Public Notice: My Sources - Sunday, January 21, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

I hear this complaint occasionally, from bewildered people who can't fathom the extent of my knowledge, or from those who want to pick away and try to undermine my authority and credibility: why doesn't she publish her sources so that we can follow along and research things for ourselves? But, in fact, I have published my sources every step of the way.

Indeed, I have been careful to do so. Pick up our books and you will find dozens and dozens of sources and places for you to look -- and see -- for yourselves. In over 4,000 articles, I have given sources and court cases and pointed the way out of this morass of Lies.

Last night, I looked up at the night sky and saw the Great Serpent squirming across the firmament, writhing in its death throes, and all I could think was -- thank the true and ever-lasting God.

In the end, all you have to do -- is do the same. Look and you will see. Ask and the keys will be given. Start digging anywhere you want and the evidence will be there.

Start at your local water plant and ask why you are paying for Fluoride, a known poison and industrial waste product, to be added to your drinking water?

The great reservoirs of insight are contained in the records and minutes of the Second Session of the First Continental Congress, the Papal Bulls and other published acts of the Roman Catholic Church, and the Acts of Parliament and the Kings of England that set all this up-- most especially those of King Henry the Eighth, who imported the Catholic Hit Men known as the Merry Men (Acting) Company, aka., the Bar Association, a Theater Company, to England; the Act of Union creating Great Britain, the Naval Dispositions Acts occurring in Parliament from 1864 onward, and the Insular Tariff Cases in the U.S. Supreme Court from 1900 to 1904 that set up the century-long criminal rampage that included two World Wars and constant Mercenary Conflicts all over the world.

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