Article 4607 Video - Britain, "At It" Again - Friday, January 19, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4607 Video - Britain, "At It" Again - Friday, January 19, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We have often had cause to discover Britain at the bottom of the dog pile, either acting under its own influences or at the behest of the Pope or the prodding of some other foreign interest.

And here we are again. Wearily so.

Britain, in the company of "the US" Incorporated, has attacked Yemen, so we are, as the journalist in the attached new clip states, facing the spectacle of two of the richest countries on Earth attacking one of the smallest and poorest.

It's sickening at best.

The bullying, war-mongering nature of the British hegemony is thus made clear to everyone but its primary victims --- us, the Americans being associated with this behavior because we are allowing our government to be run by the Brits.

We need to, one way or another, kick them out ---again.

Hopefully, this separation can be effected before the rest of the nations, which are much more fully aware of the pernicious and unrepentant and vicious nature of the British Empire, see fit to stomp it (and us, if we are still associated with them) into the dust.

The British people overall seem just as clueless as we are, and are kept that way by controlled media in the same way.

Never forget that the BBC motto is: "Listen and obey."

We have been kept studiously ignorant of the nasty colonial-style wars that have been raging throughout Africa this past year, and also unaware of the fact that over twenty African nations have allied with Russia in utter disgust with everything represented by "the US" and Britain and the old colonial monarchy serial rapists.

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