Adam Kinzinger's PSA Begging New Hampshire Residents To 'Reject Trump' Is Hilariously Bad

1 year ago

As it stands, the Republican race for the Presidential nomination is between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. Haley's chance is slim and none, but apparently Adam Kinzinger wanted to ensure he sealed her fate by posting a video ostensibly supporting her. Speaking of unemployed men ... also, it looks like he taped this on the set of a Hallmark Movie. Is that his new gig? Imagine thinking this would HELP Haley lol. He should change the green screen to a used car lot. You’re not in New Hampshire. 😆 That green screen is a nice try.

• More at: Twitchy - Adam Kinzinger Releases PSA Begging New Hampshire Residents To 'Reject Trump' and It's Hilariously Bad

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