Perdue Doubles Down! Trump Didn't Say Sh**hole Countries!

7 years ago

On ABC’s This Week, Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) went a bit further than merely saying that he didn’t remember the president saying “shithole.” In this instance, he issued an actual denial while claiming that Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) — another attendee of the meeting — had mispresented what Trump had actually said.

After Perdue said that the report that came out of the meeting was a “gross misrepresentation,” host George Stephanopoulos pushed back, asking the Georgia Republican what exactly was misrepresented.

“The gross misrepresentation was that language there that was used was not used,” Perdue responded. “And that the tone of that meeting was not contributory and not constructive.”

The senator went on to assert that Durbin had a history of lying about what was said during private meetings, leading to Stephanopoulos that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) essentially backed up Durbin in a statement he released. He added that Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) has also said that Graham told him reports that Trump said “shithole” were “basically accurate.”

“You’ll have to deal with him,” Perdue stated. “Basically is an operative word.”

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