Sasquatch Hand Print and Language Capture

11 months ago

Found and recorded February 2nd, 2013 in Ontario, Canada.

A Sasquatch hand print, foot prints and their language all recorded Feb 2nd 2013.

I would like to state that when we find prints, they're not left in a fashion that makes them easy to track. I've seen several instances now of track finds with no entry or exit point. I can't explain how they do it.

The hand print was at the top of a slope. There were a couple of 13" prints nearby and the 12" track was also in the area as well as a couple of partial prints. The hand was placed down to help walk up the trail. The area was already trampled from us utilizing the area to place an audio recorder. We had to make a 2am trip to do a battery change as is always the case.
Those tracks were not there in the morning when I first retrieved my audio recorder. They were discovered later that morning. All those prints were fresh.

This family is aware of our intent to communicate and they're coming very close at this point. We've had a good visual on one occasion but dismissed it as a tree at the time. It wasn't there next visit.

There's a realization that we're dealing with something completely unconventional in the sense of what we know to be wildlife in our forests. I believe this to be a primal people, intelligent with capabilities that we don't understand. There's a high strangeness that surrounds authentic sasquatch activity. I've seen the same type of behaviour now in several locations, this one being the most involved.

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