Sasquatch Prints with recorded vocalizations

1 year ago

These prints are from a cache of young sasquatch prints found in a remote location in northern ontario.
Numerous individuals were present at the print location.

The first audio clip was recorded at 1:30am. I'd just entered my tent for the night and was only settled into my sleeping bag for a few minutes when something walked behind my tent, snapped a large tree limb close to my tent and only a few ft. from the mics which were a couple ft. off the ground.
The tree limb is placed on the ground, it doesn't drop. The scream is right outside my tent only a few short minutes later.
The next morning a fresh pile of human looking stool was found and is now in a lab under analysis.

That scream is a lesser heard barred owl call. I was present and believe this call to be mimicked by a young sasquatch. Circumstances surrounding the call give credence to my observations. I would appreciate it someone could show me footage of a barred owl making this call. I've now heard it several times at the same location but can't find any video footage of one making the call.

The other calls are repeated 4X to give a better listen.

The coyote yelps have something moaning along with them.

The end audio piece is to show the rock clacking and thumps on my vehicle which happens alot at this location. Silent nights have produced constant thumping on my car where my audio mics are run through my sunroof.

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