Brian Deneke Was Murdered By His Physical Appearance

8 months ago

I recorded this audio before I left for work this morning and I almost balled my eyes out into tears and anger 🤬 I kept my cool in our judicial system is corrupt. 

I get very uncomfortable and anxious while making a video of myself talking because everyone is just looking at me. And also I am introverted and I struggle with social anxiety it might be the cause of it. I spend alot more time making music, but I can't when it comes to making public videos. And that is what drives me crazy sometimes. 

This is the story of Brian Deneke, who was a victim of a hate crime, and discrimination simply because he was a PUNK. This took place 27 years ago back in 1997 in Amarillo, Texas and Brian's killer only got a slap on the hand!!!!

What happened to Brian was a Tragedy! We've ALL got to do our part to try and make sure that we do not lose the ones we love simply because of how they look.

Brian Deneke was a punk rocker. He loved punk rock music. He expressed himself through his music. Through his style. Dustin Camp didn't like that.

To every punk rocker/metalhead/goth/skinhead/alternative/nonconformist out there: Don't take anyone's shit. You're not wrong for being who you are, and don't let anyone tell you any different. You're a human being, and you mean something. Live how you want to, not how society thinks you should. Stand up for what you believe in, and never back down. Don't ever let anybody bring you down. Give 'em hell. Also, the second half of this audio recording is about being discriminated against in highschool because of a t-shirt you're wearing.

Independent film Bomb City Based on the true-life story of Brian Deneke.

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