Desires are FREQUENCIES | Learn to Vibrate Correctly - Ancient VIBRATION | Dr. Robert J Gilbert

1 year ago

Dr. Robert Gilbert, a renowned expert in subtle energy and vibrational techniques, generously imparts his vast wisdom and extensive experience to guide you in harnessing the immense potential of these transformative practices.

Delve into the mesmerizing realm of energy balancing, bioenergetics, and vibrational approaches, as Dr. Gilbert reveals the essential keys to attaining profound harmony, optimal well-being, and an elevated quality of life.
Speaker - Robert Gilbert

About Robert :
Robert J. Gilbert Ph.D. is the Director of the Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies, located in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. Dr. Gilbert was formerly a U.S. Marine Corps instructor for the survival of Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare, was the first U.S. instructor for the Clairvision school of Australia, and was the first non-Egyptian to become a certified instructor in BioGeometry.

He has created new methods of vibrational testing of stones to detect artificial treatments and to determine their hidden energetic powers & applications. He teaches live courses internationally, in addition to offering a wide-range of online trainings to students all over the world through

You can find more of Robert Gilbert's work here:

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