Britain's 100 Year Information War on America & Secret Plot For World Domination. Please Read Below

1 year ago

Britain's 100 Year Information War on America & the Secret Plot For World Domination. Please Read Below
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Gabriel and McKibben
Mirrored From:
This Report on the Infiltration and Highjacking of the USA by the British NWO is now More Relevant Than Ever
***Cecil Rhoades - Lord Alfred Milner Round Tables / Royal Institute of International Affairs / The Fabian Society / The Pilgrim's Society / The Council on Foreign Relations***
***Britain Started WW1 & WW2 and Staged the Russian Bolshevik Revolution***
(((From the Cecil Rhoades Round Tables Plan to Use Wars to Entrap and Control America, to the Establishment of the Anglo-American Alliance for World Domination -
To Lord Alfred Milner's Russian Coup Plot that Allowed the Bolshevik Revolution to the Foundation of Britain's Global Fake News, Propaganda, Censorship and Surveillance Operations)))
Research and Article by Americans For Innovation:
Proof the 1917 British War Cabinet (WWI) Created the Modern Day Weaponization of Fake News and Propaganda
George Soros and the formation of the C.I.A. are linked to the 1917 British war propaganda minister MP, banker, railway director, Eric Hambro
Barack Obama copied the War Cabinet’s organization, propaganda, purposes and methods to promote continuous war from the White House
Prime Minister David Lloyd George's 1917 Imperial War Cabinet. The fathers of FAKE NEWS (See photo in link)

(JAN. 08, 2019)—On Dec. 09, 1916, new British Prime Minister David Lloyd George formed a five-person War Cabinet.

Over the next year, the War Cabinet failed to provide promised military assistance to Russian Czar Nicholas II – King George's cousin. This resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution within three weeks of War Cabinet Lord Alfred Milner’s return to London.

Many historians suspect Milner's globalist treachery in failing to provide Russia the needed resources that the British government had already approved. Vladimir Lenin had just made his banker-financed and visa-waived train trip back to St. Petersberg from Switzerland and immediately arranged the execution of the Czar and his family (Jul. 17, 1917) as one of his first acts of treachery.

On Jul. 17, 1918, Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, their five children, a doctor and three servants were shot and clubbed to death on Vladimir Lenin's orders in the basement of a merchant’s mansion named Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg. An official government commission in 1995 was convened to answer 10 questions by the Russian Orthodox Church. It was reopened in 2015 and reported through Bishop Tikhon on Nov. 28, 2017 that the evidence pointed to a ritual killing.

Historically, propaganda has been successful at labeling any analysis of the murder of the Romanovs as anti-Semitic "conspiracy theory." But, what if the newly-formed British Ministry of Information, John Buchan and Lord Milner were the sources of the assassination order to Lenin and its cover-up? Given Lord Milner's treachery four months earlier triggering the Czar's abdication, the new research is pointing to Britain. Vladimir Lenin could have only just arrived in St. Petersburg before issuing the kill order as one of his first acts of terror (having only left Switzerland by train on Apr. 09, 2017). Perhaps this was the first use in modern propaganda of "conspiracy theory" that was used so successfully to divert attention from the C.I.A. assassination of President John F. Kennedy. We show that the rogue C.I.A. emerged from the 1917 War Cabinet personnel.


Lloyd George’s War Cabinet totally reorganized the traditional operations of a British Cabinet. Instead of consisting of Members of Parliament, he largely iced out Parliament, and instead invited hundreds of unelected advisors and consultants, as needed, from all over the Empire.

Barack Obama mimicked this organization of the War Cabinet on Dec. 31, 2009 in Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information, when he consolidated all security classification powers into a committee of seven that he chaired comprising the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Homeland Security, Attorney General and Director of National Intelligence (C.I.A.).

(These Government Agencies Essentially Now Operate as a Secret Star Chamber that Covertly Directs the Federal Government Without Any Oversight or Accountability to Congress or the Senate. These very same Agencies are Ran by Unellected Beaurocrats from the Senior Executive Service . The SES and Serco are Controlled by the British Pilgrim's Society.
Such Highjacking of the U.S. Government is the very reason an act of Treason and Genocide like Operation Warp Speed is able to be pulled off.

It is Britain that is GUILTY for Ordering the Global Depopulation Agenda and COVID Vax Genocide.)

See Full Article. There is far far more Incredible Hidden History that includes HOW THE UK RIGS ALL U.S. ELECTIONS

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