A big cat licks a little dog

7 years ago

Mutual licking tailed Pets is a unique form of communication. There is often a demonstration of a pattern in the form of potiranie cats heads, especially after a long separation. Vilisova serves as an indicator of trust, care and friendship. If attention is extended to family members, this mark should be regarded as a manifestation of love.
Cats often get together on neutral territory in "night clubs". Most often the meetings take place on the roof where all the members sit in a circle. Pomerleau enough and polesaw each other's coats, cats go home only in the morning. Pleasant massage of head, neck and back are a pleasure, and the therapist and the client. Their masters, in particular me, cats are taking over the big and strong fellow. And if the pet starts to lick the hands or face, it means that this man managed to earn his respect. Besides the predator, there are other reasons, among them:
The salt lick areas on the human skin makes up for a lack of certain nutrients
Is the elimination of the pungent smell as his own.
The cat wants the same smell was all family members.

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