Leadership is showing the way forward

1 year ago

Leadership is showing the way forward because you’ve made it!

Easy way to determine if your guide is a leader is to look at who comes from them, because a good tree bears good fruit.

Do you see those they guide becoming more grounded, strong, healed and focused?

If not, they may just be a spiritual high drug dealer, selling you some band-aid experiences that make you feel good in the moment, but aren’t even touching the core of what’s going on.

Breathwork, tapping, meditating, medicine journeys, scalar light, magnets, and so much more do have their place, and are they actually what you NEED, or are you chasing symptoms without getting to the root cause?

Slow down and observe how one administers their medicine and see if it’s truly leading you to a thriving life, or masking another symptom of something deeper.

Choose your guides wisely. Full episode https://rumble.com/v4635el-be-ing-a-leader.html

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