The Last Great Reset

1 year ago

We are in the 20s, 100 years later — which means massive changes again. When the Rockefellers restructured the medical & education system, they took out all valuable information & medicine such as holistic remedies like cannabis. They also took out the spirituality, knowledge of Energy, Aether, quantum physics, consciousness & anything incorporeal.

They created terms like ‘woo-woo & pseudoscience’ to throw Humans off their inner TRUTH path — which lead to the most popular term ‘CONSPIRACY THEORY’. We know how that was used against the critical thinkers, especially by their mockingbird media.

Removing Knowledge of Self & information on the Aetheric Nature have kept Humans lost of their true power. In addition to the strawman admiralty laws, slave debt financial system, false religions & media distractions, this is how our society became what it is today — lost of who we truly are, disconnected from Source & God, reliant to their corporate matrix as good complying 3D Human slaves.

1937 NY Times article about the Rockefellers buying the medical and education system

Rockefeller x Rothschild


...WW1 was started by the assassination of Franze Ferdinand...his car registration plate was 'A11 11 18' Armistice 11 Nov 1918.....the cabal have been doing resets for years in order to dumb down the world's population, to keep them in the low energy of the matrix. Satanists have a code of conduct that they must tell you what they are going to do with you before they do it....why do you think Agenda201 was held in Oct 2019?

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