When Jesus Takes Away Your Light Stand - #actionsmatter #lovesaves

10 months ago

A VOICE CRYING IN THE DESERT Missions Outreach Ministry Presents:


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When Jesus Takes Your Light Stand Away

Imagine you are standing before #almightygod for #judgment, and He asks why you should be allowed into #heaven. Tells you the #kingdomofgod is only for those whose names are written in the #LambsBookOfLife. You answer because I #believed in #jesuschrist. He #saved me. But God says “No you did not.” And Jesus says, “I never knew you.” The reason they said that is because you did not DO what you claimed to #believe. By then it will be too late. Jesus will have taken away your #lampstand.

This is a very real possibility for many #Christians. How is that possible? Doesn’t the #bible tell us that once we are saved, we are always Saved? No it does not. That is one of the Greatest Lies ever told in the #church. Rather Jesus told us over and over again we must REMAIN in Him in order to be welcomed into Heaven. The #apostle Paul tells us we must finish the #race into order to make it Home. In Matthew 24 and Revelation 2 Jesus says that if we do not continue DOING all He did on this earth, He will send us away into utter darkness. Yet far too many think all that is required is to show up for Church on Sunday morning and then live however they want for the rest of the week. These are the ones Jesus said would be caught in the #greatfallingaway. Is that you?

Join the conversation as we look at what will happen when Jesus takes away your #lightstand and why that might happen.Please join us in praying for and support our Youth Outreach work among teens who need the Love and Hope of God so desperately.

#thislittlelightofmine, #beconsistent, #DoWhatYouSayYouWill, #livesaved, #wordsarenotenough, #tribulation, #abominationthatcausesdesolation, #antichrist, #whatwouldjesusdo, #LoveThePoor, #LoveThoseWhoAreDifferent, #bekind, #loveyourneighbor, #faithandworks

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Conversations With The Evangelist is Live on Facebook, www.facebook.com/groups/avoicecryinginnthedesert, every Saturday afternoon and released every Monday on various Social Media Platforms. The Messages cover various topics related to life today and how the Bible is relevant to what is happening all around us and the struggles so many face every day.

A Voice Crying In The Desert is a Faith-based Missions Outreach Ministry that is not affiliated with any church or denomination, although we are willing to work with any church or denomination that will work with us. We are trusting God to provide for us financially and to send in workers. Donations currently go to support providing Free Study Bibles and Devotionals to anyone who requests one and to our Youth Outreach in the Bloomingdale and Nebraska Neighborhoods of Fort Wayne, two of the poorest in this city. If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to help us fulfill our vision with a financial donation, you can send it through CashApp to James Carter - $jjcarter7136. Or contact James Carter for information on how to mail a donation to us.

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