The RA Download : "12 Strand Crystalline DNA" Activation

1 year ago

This powerful Activation, which was given to us in a mystical encounter with the 6th-dimensional being RA, is designed to help raise your vibration, activate your kundalini energy, open up and clear your chakras, and also TRIGGER AND ACTIVATE your CRYSTALLINE 12-STRAND DNA.

The entire process of creating this DNA Activation has been closely overseen by the Egyptian Masters Ra, Isis, Thot, and Serapis Bay who have embedded 5th-dimensional Quantum codes that will help to raise your frequency and install Blueprints of Ascension into your light body.

Those who are drawn to this Activation have most likely experienced incarnations as INITIATES in the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools and may begin to recall random memories from those lifetimes ❤

The first 8 minutes of this video are the INSTRUCTIONS with diagrams. The guided meditation and Activation, which lasts around 40 minutes, follows after.

Since we received this activation a few weeks ago our vibration has shot through the ROOF!! We feel a lot more energized, less dependant/attached to food, connected to a higher source for energy, more connected to higher guidance, lighter/youthful/joyful/vibrant in general ❤

It is recommended that you extra-hydrate your body the day of the meditation and eat a clean diet with lots of raw veggies, greens, and fruits. This will prepare your vessel to anchor a higher vibration of LIGHT and receive these DNA activations and upgrades smoothly.

Love you family ❤
- EldoRa & Siman

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