Live Chat with Paul; -172- Corbell Loves Camera Artifact Patterns as UAPs and heaps more!

8 months ago

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Corbell UFO disinfo keeps growing
with another silly alleged UFO thats worse then UFOman's and Tylers
and even TPOM offerings + Google deletes my episode wrongfully
despite wikipedia have articales on nanotech and heaps more UAP nonsense
to cover to clean up out precious dying UFOLOGY
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits and Robert Farmer Slipped fracturing T12 spine over xmas + NY[00:05:50] (1d) Welcome to the TOTC UFO university where sciencemeets UFOs!
[00:07:10] (2) Topic Begins - UFOman shilling Volcano UFOsPaul analyzes the poor quality footage and figures out what it is![00:13:00] (2b) Early Morning filming but the color spread matchesforeground trees so it has to be a small object near tree line notfar away![00:17:00] (2c) Changes Shape.. looks more bird like now[00:18:00] (2d) Weird editing corners?
[00:26:00] (2e) Was a clip on Mobile phone lens used?[00:36:00] (2f) Paul has to eat a biscuit/cookie (usa) for lowblood sugar so some crunching for 1min while lookingfor more video clues to solve it.[00:41:00] (2g) Final Solution is a bird moving slightlyon a phone or power cable thats too far and blendedwith Background to see that its somewhere nearbuildings heading into the tree line. [00:50:00] (2h) Paul explains why hes so angry with thesehorrid UFO vids from these types of UFO channels![00:57:00] (2i) Finally read the comments to findGabber comment and UFOman name calling mea HACK! of all things. Rather then prove to memy debunks are wrong on his lame UFOs likeBanner planes and Solar Farms[01:02:00] (3) Google emojis are crap compared to itscompetitors[01:02:50] (4) Google gave me a community Strike overa nonSense Claim and Paul Proves they are wrongand the fact checkers they use.[01:06:00] (4b) NanoTech proof in wikipedia what theyuse under videos to fact check Oddly enough whenyou talk about aliens ab-duct-eeeees[01:18:00] (4c) Free Speech is dead![01:20:00] (5) Corbell completely lying about living ofa job not UFOLOGY![01:26:00] (6) Corbells Chandelier Video breakdown and solution![01:28:20] (7b) First up understanding the TERM Diffraction (Pattern)as we have new people come into UFOLOGY and video analysis world daily![01:32:22] (7c) The Camera Type and Model and figuring out itssensor and errors and internal parts that cause reflections and diffractions[01:39:00] (7d) Why the camera uses mirrors like telescope.. Paul drawsexplaining it![01:45:00] (7e) Curved rods/Vanes alter the pattern to snowflake[01:50:00] (7f) Why dont the rods and central round mirrorblock off incoming light? Paul explains it dont matter! with some graphics[01:55:56] (7g) Reason for using Mirrors![01:58:00] (7h) Now we understand Light mirrors and all the partswe can watch Mick West summary video from his metabunkcollection of info and understand it better![02:08:00] (7i) Missile movement producing also a contrail/smoke trail in the still[02:12:00] (8) Corbell triples down and still no admitting he was wrongand its not aliens but mundane sky junk and camera artifacts[02:18:00] (8b) Paul breaks down the hype commentsabout feed cut off and not able to see it in night goggles[02:29:00] (8c) A military pilot debunks Corbells Jellyfish![02:31:00] (9) Greenstreet Busts Corbells comments
[02:34:00] (10) What stupid UFOtwitter folks had to say aboutthe solutions![02:40:00] (11) Mick West Jellyfish summary video since lastweeks analysis[02:48:44] (12) GUFONI admits hes clueless on modern camerasand mirror telescopes!!!
Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

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