Elden Ring DLC Release Date Leaked...

1 year ago

Elden Ring DLC Release Date Leaked. Recent rumors for Edlen Ring Shadow of the Erdtree come from an update for new DLC to the games Steam Database and could mean the release date and reveal for Shadow of the Erdtree is coming very soon! If you enjoyed this video about the latest news and updates for Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree then leave a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to the channel for more gaming news!

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00:00 INTRO
00:14 Release Date
01:31 Past Rumors
03:12 DLC Announcement
04:44 OUTRO

#EldenRing #EldenRingShadowoftheErdtree #ShadowoftheErdtree #EldenRingExpansion #EldenRingDLC #EldenRingGameplay #EldenRingnewupdate #eldenringnewdlc #dlc #expansion #eldenringupdate #eldenringnewdlc #playstation #ps5 #Miquella #malenia #elden #eldenlord #elden #fromsoftware #fromsoft #expansion #newexpansion #newdlc

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