“Oct 7th, 2023, & 20-Years of ADL Survey Data on Extreme Antisemitism”—Dr. Andrew Bostom

1 year ago

The talk opened with a summary of the October 7, 2023 jihad carnage in Israel, & its single day relative per capita death toll, versus 50+ years of terror attacks. The perverse phenomenon of an explosive increase in Antisemitic incidents since October 7th was also briefly explored. The talk riveted on an examination of the overriding Islamic societies, & Muslim diaspora population sources, of contemporary Jew-hatred as revealed by two decades of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) survey data tabulating extreme Antisemitism, worldwide. These data were discussed, along with a demonstration of ADL's repeated, concerted efforts to conceal, & distort its own consistent findings. Additional non-ADL corroborating data on Antisemitic violence in Europe were also presented. Post-October 7th survey data showing widespread support for the October 7th attacks among Palestinian, global Arab, & U.S. Muslims were then discussed. The Islamic theological drivers of this overwhelmingly Muslim Antisemitism were introduced in relation to the October 7, 2023 carnage in southern Israel, & the explosion of Antisemitic expressions and attacks since that brutal jihad carnage by both Hamas, & ordinary Gazan Muslims. Examples of this virulently Jew-hating Islamic theology emanating (over 75+ years) from Sunni Islam's Vatican, Al-Azhar University, & its most recent Papal equivalent Grand Imams, as well as the current "World's Most Influential Muslim," 2023-24, a leading U.S. Muslim cleric, and sermons from U.S. mosques since October 7, 2023, were provided. The talk concluded with a call for leading non-Muslim religious and lay leaders to acknowledge, & denounce, mainstream, instiutional Islam's ongoing promulgation of this "sacralized" Muslim Jew-hatred, in the hope of spurring a Nostre Aetate/ Vatican II-like mea culpa-based reform of Islam's living, unreformed, unrepentant Jew-hating canon.

The full slide set presented can be downloaded here: https://www.andrewbostom.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Oct-7th-_ADL-data-2004_2023-etc-1.pdf

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