Mr Strangle

1 year ago

“Oh, the nature of the beast,
born it West or born it East?
Sport a collar, wear a robe?
Matters naught, to cover globe.
Is it fast or is it feast?
You’ll care no bit in the least,
When your pocket weights with gold,
from the sacred soul so sold!” —Finder’s ditty, circa 1777
Criminals often profit from many crimes before they are caught, usually the lesser crimes go un noticed. No one’s looking at little criminals, scammers, hustlers and con men. Occasionally a little criminal falls deep into the shadows of "The Tempter"- Lord of the Narc's!...and the old world order is reinforced.

There are two ways to start a cult, manufacture an ideology or take from an ideology. The latter is always easy game for the narcissist. Max gain, minimum work!
Corey’s first cult attempt was manufactured around his freak show performance. Arguably his “talents”, however it was the AMC TV-freak show that elevated these people to fame status, all in the name of ratings and profit. But Corey doesn’t like to share the spotlight or green backs.
So Corey laid claim to a heroic defiance towards the Freak show producers.
Apparently the producers told Corey, "never cut your hair". How is that offensive? Corey, hater of authority, like a baby having a tantrum went ahead and cut his hair. Why not resign(?) Got to make a scene right(!) It's all a show, how’d that turn out? No more spotlight dollars for you. Fired for psychotic outbursts most likely the result of drug abuse which fits Corey’s profile perfectly, either way Corey really fired "himself". Hero or fanatical narcissist(?) And behold the false antichrist, the false "hero" was manufactured.

Meanwhile, Terrors of Men, engulfed in dark occult “bigot-transphobic” mysticism, symbolism and ritual, "H_il Old Error - Ad Ironia!"...a rather disturbing attempt to exploit fame and fortune off the AMC Freak show he once was mistakenly awarded prominence, Disastra! Even D grade realty TV ejected this moron. So here we have an attention seeking disgruntled showman desperate to cling onto "fans" or any chance for attention and coin and lashing out at the “mainstream circus” or any harmless questions for that matter. Only a self entitled egotist, misogynist and narcissist would say "Strangle the bitch". So this is how Corey responds to subjective opinions about his "look and lifestyle", with an exceptional display of subjective hate and anger. Psychotic much!

Around this time Corey, the L.A. Strangler came across some secret society material. Shortly after Corey published his first book, The Metaphorical Suicide is full of “Terrors of Men” undertones, there is no such "suicide” in fact it’s a template of cultism, of a con man and charlatan. If we removed the content taken from any secret society we are left with Corey’s narcissism el grande undertone, hate, terror, fear and profiting. Sound familiar? "The devils greatest trick"- take, invert, "prophet" and deny.

You know if Corey stuck with his Christion upbringing he would probably be a priest churning out fear mongering sermons while passing round the collection plate. Salvation for sale(!)
Right there is the “original sin”, Corey’s RTS, religious trauma syndrome. Corey never once faced his own RTS trauma or any preconceived "con-victions" for that matter. No metaphorical suicide ever took place! Instead Corey utilized "terror" by projecting such religious "trauma" for his own means not to mention wealth! Much like AMC Freak show and the Terrors of Men psychosis or should we say "tantrum". Corey aka Morgue, ironically aka Mr Strangler's "truth" hides behind nothing but lies. Practice what you preach(?) Far from it, in fact quite the opposite!

Not much has changed. Corey simply flipped the narrative from psychopathic hedonism, "Terrors of Men" with little success into a "successful" psychopathic non-Christion(?) Christion trauma cult.
Corey has utilized every classic religious cult brainwashing formula and simply added his demented brand of psychopathic narcissism, Woke Terror! And like most conspirators and applied some public secret society ideas and deemed himself a "higher" mind....mind you! Yet strangely enough quickly descends into denial mode by discrediting secret societies on a regular basis?!

Corey’s kind of like a weird Sampson. The “Impossible Riddler”, the duller of light, stealer of honey or is it all for the money(?) Christ-insanity is certainly the original metaphorical “hair cut” and most prolific influence. In fact such insanity produced Terrors of Men! That's exactly what lies underneath Corey's Hyper-persona...and the "will to fame and fortune" remains the same.

So again, when we remove any secret society ideologies from his hyper-cult there is nothing left
but the real Morgue. Corey, Mr Strangle, a text book psychotic narcissistic fraud and hypocrite.

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