God will do the tribulation to punish Israel, the antichrist and all who support the antichrist

8 months ago

after the rapture happens it will be hell on earth and the entire world will go into huge panic when all the babies and small children and everyone who truly followed Jesus are just gone, the entire world will not know what to do and the antichrist will step up and say I am the Messiah!! Get rid of your beliefs and worship me and get my mark of the beast!! The vaccines are the mark of the beast, the world is pushing everyone to get the vaccine again and dumb people get it, then I heard a third angel yelling if anyone worships the antichrist and gets his mark he will suffer the wrath of the lamb about to be poured out, they will get painful boils on themselves and will be tormented in the presence of the lamb and His angels forever and ever and they will have no rest, it is not a game anymore, once the rapture happens the age of grace is over forever!! The church age from the Early Church to now ends and the tribulation period begins, God will do the 7 trumpet judgements, the 7 bowl judgements will be poured out on everyone who worships the antichrist got his cursed vaccine mark of the beast, God will punish those who worship the antichrist because they will be persercuting Christians who refused to worship the antichrist and got his vaccine mark of the beast, they will be killing all the tribulation saints and loving it, the antichrist crowd will think it is funny to cut someone head off, drag a man or woman out of the store and beat them up because they do not have a cursed vaccine mark of the beast, they will not be nice but be very evil and loving it, they will be cursing God when the sun sorches them with very intense heat, the demons sting them for 5 months, water is turned into poison and blood, and they get painful boils on themselves, you are either for Jesus or the antichrist and no middle ground anymore

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