Time is up and the ark door is shut!! God has had it

1 year ago

God has had enough and He will punish all those who are evil and wicked and that includes all the false prophets and fake church going crowd, they will all be left behind because they are the 5 foolish bridesmaids and not ready at all or have oil which is the holy Spirit, so they will be left behind, Jesus will grab His bride only and leave everyone else left behind, the ice storm is judgement from God for America, He is very very very angry and America has not repented so will be destroyed completely!! Jobs are falling apart, money is running out, illegals are flooding our borders, north Korea, Iran, China, Russia will attack America all at once, I have dreams of Chinese or Russian tanks coming down DC and yelling they have taken over America!! America is Babylon and loves the sexual immoral sodomites with the green hair the love is love gay sex rainbow junk and pushing their sin on kids, there is no pronouns in heaven, gays lesbians or trans at all, God made man and woman not man and man!! They are mocking God and He will destroy all the gays lesbians and trans, the liars, drunkards, self righteous church going crowd and pastors who think being a church member will save them and reject Jesus, all those who belong to cults like Mormons, Jehovah witness, church of Christ, seventh day Adventist, Islam, those who ghost Hunt, do Wicca, magic arts, talk to the dead, yoga, tarot cards, mediums, pagans, the abusers, thieves and that includes those who loot and steal from stores, those who use God name in vain as a curse word, it goes on, they are dogs and will be destroyed and judged by a very angry God at the great white throne judgement, God will punish Israel and the Jews for rejecting Jesus and killing Jesus, Stephan, James in Israel, the tribulation is for Israel mainly and to punish the wicked and those who got the vaccines worship the antichrist and will suffer all the judgements God will pour out, the tribulation will be hell on earth

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