揭開 #不明飛行物體 和深空之謎的驚人真相

8 months ago


揭開 #不明飛行物體 和深空之謎的驚人真相

Unveiling the Astounding Truths about #UFO s and Deep Space Mysteries
Exopolitics Today Week in Review – Jan 20, 2024

Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability built by Northrup Grumman is a cover for AUKUS taking charge of #DEW for Earth Orbit and Deep Space
New York Times emphasis on UFO Mystery is a bellwether for how the Deep State wants us to think.
Tracking #Lucifer back to the #Anunnaki warrior #Marduk
Forbidden Archeology shows human presence on Earth goes back 100s of millions of years
Australia, Britain and US conduct Exercize Red Flag Neillis 24-1 – practicing for an alien invasion?
US House Oversight Committee members describe what they learned in classified UFO briefing by Intel Community Inspector General
New Webinar Announcement – What’s Coming in 2024 – Catastrophic Disclosure
Fox News report focuses on UFOs as “Interdimensional” in nature – contrasts with wha...

來源: #MichaelSalla https://youtube.com/watch?v=xoG8HTm_DN0

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