Seven (2020) 9-11 Truth World Trade Center

1 year ago

Three concrete-reinforced steel-framed buildings "collapsed due to fire" on 9/11/01. This was the first and last time in history this has ever happened. The "collapse" was a spectacular, perfectly-symmetrical destruction at free-fall speeds. This means all of the building, whose job is to stand, failed completely and symmetrically simultaneously. The two tall towers exploded from top to bottom, blowing out fine dust of pulverized concrete - a job that would have required immense energy - more energy than available simply from floors at the top collapsing. An actual collapse would have resulted in damaged floors from the top sections (above where the planes struck) and damaged floors from bottom section below where the planes hit. The top seconds would have collapsed lop-sided, leaning over or even falling off or hanging off to one side.

What cannot happen without explosives is for the top sections to explode into fine dust and shoot out steel and concrete laterally (sideways) out away from the buildings in all directions. Concrete does not disassemble itself into dust at low energy (low velocity). If you magically made the entire building disappear and just kept the top section and then dropped it from high up with nothing underneath it...then sure it would hit the ground and some dust would form. That is the speed at which the entire buildings came down - as if no - zero - structural resistance existed. This is because the entire buildings were exploded from top to bottom in a controlled way. That is why fine dust is present everywhere and pluming outward - energy that cannot be created from a building failing.

There was also molten steel pouring out of the building at the top, and pools of molten steel at the bottom and in the wreckage which was quickly whisked away. Luckily all of this photo and video evidence exists. Not many people probably know what truly happened that day, and there is no use to speculate. But, we do know what did not happen. 3 buildings did not come to total destruction perfectly symmetrically at free-fall speed with zero structural resistance, with concrete pulverized into fine dust due to 2 planes and some minor fires. Even buildings completely engulfed in fire do not collapse - they just burn. Buildings do not collapse into fine concrete dust, nor do they collapse perfectly symmetrically.

The third building, WTC7, which was reported by reporters to have fallen before it even did, came down in a typical controlled demolition style - the bottom supports were all cut simultaneously by explosives. This allowed the rest of the building to fall and crush down upon its own footprint. It was perfect and even.

Look at the evidence for yourself and decide. When the impossible is eliminated, the seemingly-improbable is the answer. Please share 911 truth with everyone you know, so that humanity can learn to be more lie-resistant. We can be free when we are not so easily fooled.

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