Satanic Ritual Abuse - Nathan Stolpman - Robert_QSentMe - Aug 13 2018

1 year ago

Robert_QSentMe calls into Nathan Stolpmans (LTV) show in 2018 to speak of the SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) he claims to have endured throughout his earlier years... Hard to believe? ... Indeed... This is how the Con works.... Set it up WAY in advance only to later on capitalize on it once you get enough of a following.

Much like the other videos.... they didn't last long... especially on YouTube.

Robert_QSentMe also speaks of people such as Sarah Ruth Ashcraft (a heavy supporter of the Adrenochrome conspiracy pushed by the QAnon Cult) and Jenny McCarthy (Anti-Child Trafficking Advocate)... You can be sure Robert only does this to 'sound important' and further his chances to Grift some bucks.

Robert_QSentMe is obviously in support of the QAnon Cult Conspiracy which is very problematic.... as NONE of it is legit whatsoever IMO... and as much as i would like to say "decide for yourself"... i think the obvious stands out way too much.

This is not saying there are not Psychos in the world... because there certainly are... but when people like Robert do this kind of thing... well... real "survivors" and real "victims" pay the price as they are not heard.

Just to note... many of the sites and locations (if not all) of the videos Nathan speaks of are defunct... This was grabbed from his SoundCloud at the time.

LTV SoundCloud

Original Audio Stream
8.13.2018 SRA Survivor Names Small-Town Cult #SurvivorStories by Lift the Veil (defunct)

Undeniable Evidence Isaac Kappy Was NOT Alone
(as seen in the HBO/VICE Docuseries QAnon.The.Search.for.Q.S01E02)

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