Multiple Witnesses Observe UFO over Seward, Alaska

1 year ago

Seward is a major transportation hub in Alaska.
Constantly ships come and go, and helicopters
are delivering equipment for the oil industry.

Although there are a number of UFO reports in the area,
one in particular takes the cake. It has been called
the Alaska Starship.

The main witness was Bill Sleasman, who is a dock manager.
He worked outside and spent a lot of time in the outdoors.

Bill believes were are not alone in the universe. He is familiar
with the lore of Alaskans with many reports of Bigfoot and UFOs.

One evening just before dark, he was sitting in his cabin when
he heard the sound of a nearby helicopter.

He went outside to check it out. It was not a typical military
copter. It was totally black with no type of markings or insignas.

Through his binoculars, he observed that the copter seems to be
just hovering. Heading back into his cabin, he was taken aback
by an amazing sight.

He was what he could only describe it as a starship, estimating
it as 1500 to 2000 feet in length, 300 ft or more above the ground.

It was close enough that he could see a diamond, crystal object
underneath it. It was emitting blue, white and red colors.

He could feel something, like an energy, or humming coming from
the massive object.

He called his neighbors and asked them to look and see if they also
saw this craft. The answer was YES!

Bill went outside and sat his chair down in the yard and watched
this amazing craft for several hours.

The next thing he remembered was waking up in his cabin, missing several
hours of time. He knew that what he saw was not-of-this-world.

He found out the next morning that the local talk show he listened to
was inundated with calls about the object. Several hundred callers reported
the sighting.

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