World’s Best Kept Secrets

1 year ago

"From Mysterious Online Societies; to the existence of above top secret projects and sites; these are 5 of the World’s Best Kept Secrets!

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THE SECRET - Who are the whistle blowers ?

4.Cicada 3301


Hello. We are looking for highly intelligent individuals. To find them, we have devised a test.

There is a message hidden in this image.

Find it, and it will lead you on the road to finding us. We look forward to meeting the few that will make it all the through.

Good luck.


This cryptic image was first posted on January 4, 2012; and of course it was on found on a 4chan board. Many people assumed it was just someone running a prank; but there was a few people who were intrigued. Over the course of a month; a dedicated group of users solved multiple, increasingly harder puzzles. It was all fun and games until one of the last clues was found;

Coordinates. This was no longer an online role playing game,

at this point a lot of people got spooked, but some persevered through their fears.

Considering there was an active chat channel; and multiple forums trying to crack the code at the same time; you might say that the solving of the puzzles was “crowdsourced”. The last clue to the Cicada 3301 Puzzle lead to a site on the deep web….

But only a select few saw it in its original state. The site had been replaced with a simple message “ We want the best, not the followers.”

On January 5th, 2016, the fourth round of recruitment began…

3. Satoshi Nakamoto

THE SECRET - Who is the man behind bitcoin ?

Okay, many of you are familiar with bitcoin; it is the most popular crypto currency in existence; a digital currency that uses cryptography to control the creation of new coins and transactions of coins; a medium of exchange; a digital asset.

So far; so good.

Was bitcoin the original cryptocurrency; no. There was many before it; and it can all be traced back to Wei Dai; the creator of B-Money(1998); then there was Nick Szabo and his Bit Gold concept(1998); then a few others tried the concept out.

Out of all, Bitcoin is by far the most successful one. The venture began in 2009 and it was created by the secret and mysterious identity only known as Satoshi Nakamoto.

There are a few “educated guesses” as to who it might be, but nothing has been proven.

It is also believed Nakamoto has a wallet with roughly 1 million bitcoins in it, in US dollars; we are talking 1.9 billion…. In reality, if Nakamoto ever decided to move or sell any of these bitcoins the whole market might collapse. Why? Because there would be widespread panic as to how much of the coins will be dispersed, creating an imbalance in the supply and demand chain. As of right now, one bitcoin trades for 1906 dollars.

2.The ULTRA Secret

THE SECRET - The cracking of the Enigma Code

1.Black Projects

We can sit here and speculate all we want, but there is no way in hell we will ever find out what the current black projects and sites that the .... is working on are. So instead, lets look at confirmed black projects of the past;

Like the SR-71 Blackbird, the fastest plane ever recorded. How FAST? 2193.2 MPH( 3,529.6KM/H) fast. The general protocol for evading surface to air missiles was to just accelerate and outfly.

The plane was developed by the Lockheed Corporation at their Skunk Works division..

This haunting picture shows all the pilots of SR-71 Blackbird in the 80’s. There is something about this image that is very surreal. Almost alien like. When I first saw it; I just had to know the history behind it. Considering the plane reached altitudes of 80,000ft (24,000M) they had to wear these special pressurized suits to stay alive.

Some other notable declassified Black Projects are the B-2 Spirit Bomber; The F-117 Nighthawk; and the IX-529 | Seashadow. Which one do you think is the coolest ?"

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