Peter Harrell: We have to more actively manage the economic relationship with Communist China

1 year ago

1/17/2024【Hearing on US Money into CCP Military】Peter Harrell: We have to more actively manage the economic relationship with Communist China, a geopolitical and economic competitor, to make sure that it serves American national security interests, not simply the economic interests of American companies
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCPsInfluence #CCPthreat #CCPPLA
1/17/2024【审视美国资金流入中共军方听证会】彼得·哈雷尔: 对于中共国这个地缘政治和经济竞争对手,我们必须更积极地管理两国之间的经济关系,以确保它符合美国国家安全利益,而不仅仅是美国公司的经济利益。
#中共 #消灭中共 #中共影响 #中共威胁 #中共解放军

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