John Chapter 6 PT2

1 year ago

The Way Church 12/3/23
In John 6, we see the story of Jesus walking on water.
In the beginning of this story we see Jesus dismissing the crowds, then he retreated to the mountain top to pray. Jesus was constantly finding alone time to spend with his father. We need to continually put that effort and energy in our relationship with God.
The disciples decided to head out to the boat. The sea began to stir up and Jesus appears before them, walking on the water. Jesus entrance was amazing, but it’s not unprecedented. He uses control over natural elements to demonstrate his power and authority. The Holy Spirit permitted the water to change to hold the man directly stepping on it, which also allowed Peter to walk on the water with Jesus, until he started to doubt.
When we learn to abide in Christ we begin to recognize Jesus power and begin to do things that before we could not.
#thewaychurchlivonia #betheway #john6

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