Helen McEntee on the Parnell Square stabbings 23-11-23

8 months ago

"That innocent young school children with their carer should be attacked in such a brutal and barbaric way is an attack on innocence itself and and we are all shocked really".

Very eloquent! But does she really mean it? We all want her to mean it. Alas, she doesen't.

What is abortion but "an attack on innocence itself" and it is brutal and barbaric. Helen McEntee supports 10,000 innocent babies this year being brutally and barbarically slaughtered in their mother's womb (the very place a mother is expected to protect her baby!) Helen please spare us your crocodile tears!

By the way, nothing has been heard about the children or carer stabbed by that Algerian man who should have been deported 20 years ago. Why?

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