Yesterday (Mature Language)

1 year ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"In a time of turbulence and change, it is more true than ever that knowledge is power."

- John F. Kennedy

Many people aren't shocked to learn about TikTok being the most popular video sharing platform IN THE WORLD. This was true, back in 2021. Its growth out-paced all the other platforms and looked to dominate the market. Their trajectory changed but not as a result of a passing fad or corporate misstep. Instead, concerns from American politicians halted TikTok's staying in the number one spot.

In addition, as a result of regional tensions that developed between China and India; India banned all Chinese apps from their country. Due to the popularity of the platform in America; simply banning the app wasn't feasible. A narrative needed to be created so the public would want it to be removed.

The selling of the "evils" of TikTok, by political leaders and the corporate news media; went from neurological issues to Chinese observation, of those in the clutches of the platform...oh my! After years of propaganda and earlier attempts to ban TikTok; a major push last year (2023); held both Congressional hearings and a vote to pass strict legislation, known as the RESTRICT Act.

Despite the bureaucracy only having accusations; where all the intelligence agencies had zero evidence of illegal activity; their efforts failed. Thanks to all the work of TikTok users and especially American TikTok content creators; their protest stopped the bill from becoming law.

What has become self-evident; TikTok's success is what has gotten this platform in the middle of a witch-hunt. In a textbook case of crony capitalism; the bureaucratic lead sabotage of a foreign company; is a sad commentary of the state of affairs, to a once free society. Today, when it comes to success in America; it only means those favored by the leadership. The free market system; a major force for creativity and innovation; which crushed the Soviet Union; has been replaced by fascism.

Many of the Big Tech companies, that are American; are guilty of commiting the crimes that have been laid at TikTok's feet. Even though various assets have that have been deployed, by the various alphabet lettered agencies; there's only allegations. If there were proof; that would have been used for the week long coverage by the "mainstream" corporate news media.

The other "evils" of TikTok; their short form videos...have been copied by both YouTube, Instagram and other platforms. The short form video; the "evil" is that it cultivates short attention spans. It's a concern for those concerned by it. This has been covered by large amounts of news agencies and social commentators. At the end of the day, all that information concerning the problem has to be made by the individual.

The Western world has been manipulated to give up civil liberties, in exchange for a "safe society." We've replaced individual choice and responsibility, to have "experts" tell us what we should do and make laws to enforce everyone does them. It's how the bureaucracy has become "mommy dearest" and allowed George Orwell's work of fiction, become the West's reality.

For all those that think that having a short attention span is bad; choose to stop doing activities that encourage it. Those that are addicted to being online: GET HELP! There's treatment for online addictions. It's commonly known as: compulsive computer use, pathological internet use and internet dependence.

The link provided; its focus is on social media but the same principles are universally true of all forms of online addictions. This link was selected (opposed to one's addressing the general issue of online addictions), due resources provided, so that people can get help for those addicted to their device.

Parents that are concerned about their children being online and having a short attention span; here's a DIY. Start being parents, instead of a device (i.e. the television or smart phone). Take on the God-given role given. Those that don't know how?

Also try to learn to be parents by subscribing to and make an effort to view all the videos at:

Those that can't be bothered...get family members or friends; parent your kids. Consider military school or having them put in foster care. All that might sound mean but kids deserve parents and not people who will treat them like pets; where their "owner's" get their emotional needs met but have electronic devices and other adults be their "babysitters." Having kids preoccupied isn't parenting.

Instead of a massive societal change to address issues of personal responsibility and adult decision making; where the State becomes "Big Brother;" get the help needed locally; opposed to getting force it into everyone's life. This constant cultivation of having "experts," saying what's wrong with everyone, so they have this underlying insecurity complex; brings us to the West being the way it is now.

The use of fear and it's impact on our nation; has been going on for a long time. It's seeds has developed deep roots and can be seen by the mainstreams media's push to have young adults treated like children. An 18 year-old can sign away everything they own; be contractually obligated for services or products and even fight in wars but can't drink alcohol or smoke until they're 21.

Unfortunately, our culture uses manipulation, where most people aren't aware of abuse; other than when it's conducted by people within our lives. People in power and influence; such as political and religious leaders; the media and celebrities; many of them utilize manipulation techniques indicative of psychopaths.

To understand what normal actually isn't forcing people to live, think or behave the way they think others should. Passing laws to force people into a lifestyle, that isn't a choice made by themselves; is typical of an abuser or psychopath.

Issue in the realm of politics; where they might seem valid; such as living a "healthy lifestyle." It might seem well intentioned but it isn't about an individual's well being; it's about control over someone else. An adult needs to decide for themselves if they are going to drink alcohol or smoke whatever. Doing otherwise, has always lead towards tyranny.

If the short attention span is a legitimate concern by the bureaucracy, then the same concerns and quest for control with ALL ONLINE VIDEO PLATFORMS; would be pushed and enforced equally.

The next issue that's been a focal point of many critics: the questionably adult or suggestive material. When it comes to that issue: for adults, be mature enough not to have TikTok as a go to app. For this concern being with children; don't allow them to have a smart phone and require online activity in an open area, so activity can be monitored. Additional aids:

Here's the thing with TikTok having questionable content...there's a popular website, OnlyFans. It's based in the United Kingdom (UK). It's well known for it's adult material. Despite it being known for content and articles about people making money; essentially being an "adult entertainer; both the UK and the US were planning to shut down operations.

This was only a result of the various people reporting child pornographic material being at that site. Once the company got strict with such content; issue was dropped and they continue to aid in video prostitution. As true with the short attention span issue; if the bureaucracy has legitimate concerns; this same application would be true of all platforms.

There are many that believe that TikTok is a "free speech" platform. This is not the case. With it being a foreign company; it doesn't hold to or work with American interest.

As seen in the link above; that person's channel (a fellow Christian), his account was shadow banned. Any material that goes against the interest of TikTok will get a person shadow banned to out right ban; as is true with all platforms that isn't free speech. I know one person whose on his 50 something account with TikTok.

The last two videos shows all the areas where TikTok has some level of restrictions in America. Even though passing of a national ban with the platform has failed last year; there have been on going attempts to make it a reality. This will not end, until either TikTok is no longer a "threat" because people simply moved on or a national ban is successful passed into law.

Despite the restrictions placed on TikTok in America, it still holds a strong second place, as far as popular platforms. This lack of subservience that exists with TikTok and the American bureaucracy, will be what compels those in power to get this platform removed from the country.

There has never been a time in American history, where this level of public and private sectors work so closely together to erode traditional American values. The link below provide resources as to the the current activity going on:

The move to ban TikTok, goes beyond that platform and people being able to use it. What the powers that be are doing, are attempting to use this situation to take away more rights of American citizens.

Which is why, consider support TikTok. It wouldn't be any different than supporting Rumble. In doing so, it reduces the chance of politicians trying to ban a popular platform used by Americans. This will only be necessary until November 6.

If the elections turn out in the best possible manner; there won't be the concern of these draconian moves to have tzar trying to control people's lives. If it goes badly; banning TikTok will be the least one's concerns.

When it comes to TikTok, it's true there is lots of trash in it. It's hard to support something when it looks as though there's little reason to do so. Here are a few channels to consider supporting by subscribing to them and liking whatever videos you enjoy:

Also consider supporting this prior service Marine's channel. Staff Sergeant Martin Angjelovski was injured and is disabled as a result; during his time in service. His sister takes care of him and subscribing to the channel and putting a like to her video; would mean a lot to the family.

There isn't much there since she has her hands full. Those wanting to know more, check out the link below. Any further questions can be answered by fellow supporter.

Another person to consider:

In situations such as these; there's little in the way of building a significant acquisition of monetary resources. Online platforms such as TikTok; allows to expand the possibilities. In both instances, pass on the word concerning Rumble.

For all those that are interested in conspiracies; keep in mind that there are lots of people on TikTok that are part of some alphabet soup agency. Which is why, there is a large amounts of disinformation on that platform. Here are guidelines to deal with that particular issue:

It's a shame that resources are directed to manipulate Americans views, instead of dealing with genuine threats but this is what happens when you have crazy people run the country.

Though I don't agree the person's politics; the one who made the video linked above but I do agree with her point. Anyone seeking to facilitate that platform, the link below; though it's the technicals are for Rumble; all the information can be used to help on TikTok. The principles for online success is the same.

It's also important to keep in mind that many people "cross post" videos. Meaning that they will take the same video and place it across various platforms. Additional aids that can assist with the pursuit of being a content creator:

When November 6 rolles around; it's ideal to abandon the platform. Though it isn't guilty of commiting crimes; it's still Chinese owned and they aren't pushing for anyone's civil liberties. Doing what suggested in the other link:

Would help boost platforms that champion freedom. Those choosing to do so, it's a good idea to cancel the account. This way your information isn't simply on servers that's no longer used. The next link provides that how-to:

The other thing to consider, taking note of all representatives that supports the ban on TikTok. By doing so, come elections, you can make your voice heard over their actions. For more details in effectively doing so and to discover the depth of this power grab is, the link below is eye opening.

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Help rekt the system of ctrl and abuse by the ieleet

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