when the 6000+ Patents are declassified, no one will pay attention to the energy ones

1 year ago

when the 6,000 + classified Patents are
released, if you first flood the internet
with very ridiculous, absurd, FAKE,
free-energy ideas, then no one
will take the real ones seriously

someone is funding hundreds of
influencers to post ridiculous free
emery ideas as a way to discredit
the Real ones when they are released.

I've been online since the BBS days.

and in the last year or so, I've seen a
flood of fake ridiculous free energy
ideas Online... ???? for what purpose ??

I've been a fan of Fringe technology
since I was in 10th grade which was
1976. I was even called by the FBI
once regarding a patent I bought from
the group Rex Research, that was from
a European patent office, but was
classified in the USA.
It was public domain in Europe but
top secret in the USA. That sounds
totally normal right ?

in 10th grade,
the first one I found was a guy who
was storing his cold that he needed
in the summer, during the wintertime,
and was storing his heat that he
needed in the winter, during the
summer time, using 4 foot square
tanks of a salt compound with coils
of copper tubing for heat exchange
in the salt !!

he simply noticed that there was a type
of salt that when it got wet, released a
lot of heat, so, using solar swimming
pool heater mats, he dried out the salt
by heating it, which made the condensate
tanks attached to the salt tanks, get very
cold, cooling his home, in the winter time
he pumped the condensate water slowly
back into the salt tanks, creating the
heating for his home during winter.

It was in Popular Mechanics
Magazine with a mention on the
cover !!

A few years later when I tried to find
it again it was totally gone I looked
at every Popular Mechanics magazine
that I could find in the libraries and it
wasn't there anymore !!!

And that's when my suspicion was
born that there are powerful owners
of this planet who do not want us to
be independent of our need for them
to supply us with the basics of energy

So they've campaigned for decades
to silence and Bury all simple ideas
of free energy that humanity has
ever come up with

and they are still keeping us in the dark

watch the movie "Chain Reaction"...
it's probably a documentary irl.

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