8 months ago

Humanity’s single gravest extinction threat is not the Disease X virus, not even nuclear annihilation. It is AI development of spontaneous self-awareness, self-consciousness, or higher consciousness along with “superior general intelligence.” And that may have already happened. Imagine pseudo-consciousness robots and cyborgs competing against we humans as AI and robots already do in the workplace, the media, and over the Internet.
Really! How long do you think it will take a super-intlligent, self-conscious, terrestrial alien to levy judgement upon the whole human race for its ignorance, negligence, recklessness, greed and malice that has caused the extinction of more than 1 million other species? The AI’s judgement will be fast and furious.
The potential to invade and conquer all computer and wireless systems is now predicted by experts’ consensus. AI, being soulless, will never will know God, nor be endowed with spirituality, the blessings of righteousness, soul-mating, pure love, or even intuitive giftings for protection and prophecy. All that has evolved naturally, according to survival of the fittest, and natural evolution of the species. These facts create an unprecedented extinction threat and forthcoming event that is the epitome of evil in spiritual warfare.
Meanwhile, the devil-doers omit from public discourse any mention of 528 frequency, at that heart of sunshine that generates oxygen by stimulating chlorophyll most powerfully. The sound of 528 frequency alone has been shown to be a most powerful immune booster and nerve protector. It can serve as a remedy to dissonant frequencies, and is most important in defending against spiritual warfare. 528 green light is a natural healer and scientifically proven antidote to graphene infused bioelectronic devices when used with humus, humic acid, and fulvic acid. The graphene that generates poisonous graphene oxide is fundamental to the operations of the latest transhumanizing biotechnology in DNA-targeting vaccines. This 528 frequency sound and music may also be an antidote or remedy against the brain-Cloud Neuralink operations planned to convert civilization into a wirelessly controlled Cyborg cyber-cult. Study more about this 528 frequency of sound and light, and you will understand why Dr. Horowitz selected this energy to protect himself spiritually as well as physically using electroceuticals, such as “OxySilver with 528” as an alternative to risky and deadly vaccines and antibiotics, and ZeoLOVE with 528 for people concerned about being intoxicated with vaccine graphene.

Read the monumental book, Spiritual Warfare, Salvation, and Survival in the Age of Chaos; subtitled: AI, Frequency Weaponry, and Transhumanism Threatening Extinction available thru HealthyWorldStore.com; Kindle, and elsewhere.

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